Mountain State Spotlight is on a mission to reshape how the media covers elections. 

We believe that voters want election coverage that is less focused on press releases and polls and more on the questions that they have for candidates. 

McDowell County residents have told us that they see tourism and improved infrastructure as the paths forward for their home. Then, we shared the questions and concerns that came from these conversations with candidates for the county’s House of Delegates seat and asked them to respond.

Now, we want to speak with you. What do you want the candidates to be discussing as they ask for your vote? 

We want you to help guide Mountain State Spotlight’s election coverage.

Join reporters and editors from Mountain State Spotlight and other community members for a guided roundtable discussion about what issues are most important for you this election season.

What: Guided community roundtable discussion around election issues

When: Thursday, July 25 5:30-7:30 p.m.

Where: Jack Caffrey Arts and Culture Center

Refreshments will be provided.

About Mountain State Spotlight: Mountain State Spotlight is an independent, reader-supported newsroom covering West Virginia.

Funding for this event provided by the Jonathan Logan Family Foundation.